Forum Overview
ACEEE research has found that energy efficiency can halve U.S. energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. With growing interest in policies to address global climate change, as well as a new Congress and a new presidential term to begin in January 2021, ACEEE hosted the Energy Efficiency and Climate Policy Forum to discuss key steps and policies that will help the United States get on this 50% reduction pathway.
The forum featured keynote presentations by:

Dan Reicher, Senior Research Scholar, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University
Energy Efficiency and Climate Policy in the Next Administration

Representative Paul Tonko, Chair of House Environment and Climate Subcommittee
Legislating a Call to Action – Energy Efficiency and Climate Change in the 177th Congress
In addition, four sessions were offered focusing on:
- Buildings - improvements to existing buildings and opportunities for electrification
- Industry - industrial carbonization strategies
- Transportation - advanced vehicles and systems
- Cross-cutting - state-led planning, clean energy standard, and carbon pricing
This was the final event in ACEEE’s celebration of its 40th anniversary, intended to advance our Call to Action on Energy Efficiency, and lay the groundwork for even bigger accomplishments in the coming decades.
The forum brought together a diverse group of attendees including federal officials; policymakers; Congressional staff; energy service companies; energy efficiency product manufacturers; policy advocates; and energy efficiency program planners, operators, and evaluators. Click here for a list of organizations that participated.
Please click below for the detailed program and links to the recordings and presentations.
If you would like to learn more about ACEEE conference sponsorships, contact Corinne Abbott.